
Our Curriculum Intent

Our vision, “Growing Greatness at Greenfield” is at the heart of our curriculum. We follow the National Curriculum 2014, teaching the themes of Digital Literacy, Information Technology and Computer Science.

We equip pupils for life in the digital world, including developing their understanding of appropriate online behaviour, copyright issues, being discerning consumers of online information and healthy use of technology.

Our Great Greenfield Five values underpin the delivery of our Computing curriculum

Respect - we encourage the respectful use of resources and equipment.

Resilience - pupils are encouraged to relish challenge, to see mistakes as learning opportunities, to positively seek solutions and to persevere.

Responsibility - we teach children to be discerning in their use of online content and ensure they are aware of what to report if they encounter inappropriate online content.

Collaboration - pupils work together on all aspects of the curriculum including programming, coding, and de-bugging to achieve challenges and solve problems.

Aspiration - we want children to develop creativity, critical thinking and problem-solving skills which can be applied across the curriculum and prepare them for life in an increasingly digital world.  

100 Books to Read

Our Curriculum Implementation

Our curriculum is split into a 2-year rolling programme to cater for our mixed aged classes and enables pupils to meet the end of Key Stage Attainment targets outlined in the National curriculum. Pupils use technology and computing skills to support learning across the curriculum, and direct links are made with PSHE for the teaching of Online Safety.  Pupils are taught to use a range of technical devices and communication tools including ipads and desktops with some use of laptops.

Units of work are enhanced by a Knowledge Organiser which lists the core facts of the topic.  These are added to books for children to refer to.  

Each lesson gives opportunities for children to retrieve previous learning to ensure key concepts are revisited and skills remain sharp.

Pupils are expected to use the taught vocabulary and apply the knowledge and skills taught to their independent or paired tasks.  They will evidence their learning through their interactions during lessons, recording (written and pictoral) and through their digital work.

Please see our Computing Knowledge and Skills Progression document below, which includes information about each year group.