The school doors open at 8.40am and children across the school complete their morning retrieval activity. All school doors close at 8:50am and registration is complete by 9am.
School finishes at 3.15pm for all children, with the school gates opening at 3.10pm.
Our total school hours per week equal 32 hours 5 minutes.
To get to and from school, walking is definitely the best option!
There are lots of benefits: it’s healthier than travelling by car, it improves the safety of pedestrians and road-users, and it respects nearby residents and parking regulations. Our top gate entrance is for walkers only as the adjoining road is private to residents. If you do need to travel by car, please park wisely.
Alternatively, we have cycle sheds to store bikes and scooters. Children are required to wear helmets and hi-visibility vests when coming to and from school. They should use only the paths when they are on site and push vehicles once through the school gates. Bikes and scooters need locking up when leaving them.
The car park is for staff and visitor use only. Should you need to drop your child off at the school door, please arrange this with the school office who will issue you with a parking permit.
We make full use of our extensive grounds, with the children having access to three play areas: a quiet area, a playground for football and ball games and a playground for basketball and other playground games.
Our Year 6 playleaders, overseen by our sports coach, organise the playground provision at playtime and lunchtimes. They are kit controllers (organising all the play equipment such as hula hoops, balls and games), referees for games and values upholders who mediate any conflicts that occur and lead games for the younger children.
We operate a wet playtime policy whereby children play out whatever the weather so long as it is safe. Children wear clothing appropriate to the weather conditions and we recommend raincoats and wellies/boots!
The below timetable applies to applications made to Leeds City Council. If you apply to another local authority, they may have different dates