Special and Additional Needs

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

At Kippax Greenfield Primary School, our motto is ‘Growing Greatness at Greenfields’. This motto encapsulates our inclusive ethos and determination to ensure all of our children to achieve.  We work closely with our children, families and a wide range of professionals to ensure the best possible educational outcomes. Early identification of children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) enables early intervention to be implemented and extra support to be put in place.

We ensure all pupils achieve their potential personally, socially, emotionally and academically in all areas of the curriculum. Children may have special educational needs that require additional support when progress has slowed or stopped.

Safeguarding Team

Mrs Kate Falkingham

Safeguarding Team and SENCO

Mrs Sara Ball

Safeguarding Team

Miss Sam Long

Learning Mentor and Safeguarding Team

Mrs Rebekah Brown

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Provision for Pupils with Special Educational Needs (SEN)

All children are treated as individuals and the class teacher, alongside key support staff, plans an appropriately adapted curriculum for children with additional needs to ensure high quality teaching and learning with effective support and resources. Our curriculum allows children to achieve life-long knowledge and skills across the full breadth of subjects and allows them to be equipped with the communication skills and personal attributes to enable them to be successful global citizens. In every subject, scaffolds are in place to allow all children to access learning at a level which is appropriately challenging for them. 

Children are assessed and additional needs identified at the earliest stage on entry into school, and thereafter they are regularly assessed and monitored.   These assessments are made to ensure children are on track to meet their individual targets and that planning and teaching accurately addresses their needs.   Some children receive extra individual or group support from either a Teaching Assistant, who liaises with the SENCo and class teacher, the class teacher themselves or an external provider. The SENCo monitors and reviews progress regularly with staff and the Headteacher. 

Children are involved in the setting of personal targets.  Parents are vital partners in the child’s learning journey through school and are invited to attend regular review meetings about their child’s progress.  Parents are always encouraged and expected to engage in supporting learning in different ways, such as targeted homework and regular reading at home.   

The school works alongside, and seeks support from, other agencies where required to maximise learning opportunities and unlock children’s potential e.g., Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMHS), Speech and Language therapy, Physiotherapy Service and the School Nursing team. We have close links with Local Authority services such as the SEN Inclusion Team, Educational Psychologists and school improvement. We offer cluster-based services including family outreach workers and access to Parent Partnership services. Links are maintained with the local high schools to ensure a smooth transition between the different stages of education.

The SENDCo, supported by school staff working with the child, may make an application for an Educational Health and Care Plan (EHCP) to support a child’s learning by setting appropriate achievable targets. This may involve support from external support agencies (e.g., school psychologist, Trust-appointed staff) and parents will be regularly consulted about this process. Parental consent is sought before any outside agency is consulted.

Children with additional needs are encouraged to take part in every aspect of school life, including extra-curricular activities such as sports, educational visits, school concerts and productions.

From September 2014, there were a number of changes to improve services for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).  The changes were a result of a Children and Families Act 2014 which became law on the 13 March 2014. The Act aims to improve how different agencies and services work together and create a more joined-up approach to the statutory assessment process for children and young people with the most complex needs.

To find out what Leeds as a city has to offer click here.

Inclusion Team

All SEND provision in school is closely monitored, reviewed and evaluated by the Senior Leadership Team who report to the Local School Committee on how individual needs are being met.

The Inclusion team liaises with teaching and support staff, parents and external agencies. The Inclusion Team comprises of Mrs R Brown (Headteacher), Mrs H Keyl (SENDCO) and Mrs S Ball (Learning Mentor). The team liaise closely with teaching and support staff, parents and external agencies.

If you have concerns regarding your child’s progress or well-being at school these can be discussed with their class teacher in the first instance or by emailing FAO Mrs H Keyl.


Appropriate, exciting and accessible learning environments are provided across the school.  Our school building is partially accessible to people with physical disabilities with ramped access at the front and rear of school and the first floor accessible to all. In addition, in compliance with DDA requirements and our Trust and school policies, every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate the needs of disabled children, staff and visitors.

  • Kippax Greenfield Primary’s Policy page: On here you will be able to find Policies such as the Accessibility Plan, SEN Policy, etc 
  • Dyslexia Action: Dyslexia Action is a national charity that takes action to change the lives of people with dyslexia and literacy difficulties.
  • West Yorkshire CANN: Leeds Children Additional Needs Network. A number of charities with a similar goal working together to achieve the best results.
  • Little Hiccups: Local parent led Support Group for children with special needs and disabilities offering outreach, family fun days and other activities.
  • Scope: Activities, advice and information for families with disabled children and young people in Leeds.