Safeguarding and Child Protection

We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of our pupils and we recognise it is the responsibility of all staff and visitors to safeguard children and young people in accordance with Keeping Children Safe in Education (updated Sept. 2021). This ensures that Kippax Greenfield is a secure and safe learning environment for our pupils to grow into independent, confident and successful young people.

Respect is one of our school drivers and we believe children should be treated with respect and dignity. As a result, they feel safe and are listened to within school.

Our Safeguarding Team:

The designated safeguarding team are responsible for the co-ordination of all child protection activity and this is dealt with in the strictest confidence

Please click here for details of our safeguarding team. Our nominated safeguarding governor is Jacob Odu.

Our safeguarding information for visitors can be found here.

For a copy of our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy and Equality statement, please visit the school policies section of our website.

Safeguarding Team

Mrs Kate Falkingham

Safeguarding Team and SENCO

Mrs Sara Ball

Safeguarding Team

Miss Sam Long

Learning Mentor and Safeguarding Team

Mrs Rebekah Brown

Designated Safeguarding Lead

To report a concern as a member of the public:

During office hours

You can call Children’s Social Work Services on 0113 222 4403 (Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm). This should be your first point of call and you can remain anonymous if you choose. You can also discuss your concerns with someone who works with children and families, e.g. your health visitor, social worker, school nurse or teacher (all schools have a teacher responsible for child protection).

Out of office hours

If you think a child is in immediate danger please call the police on 999